cv / bio
Katarina Gotic is a Bosnian-born poet dwelling in the in-between: between poetry and conceptual art, English and her mother tongue, Bosnia and Germany, between now and then and then and further then.
Being a poet, Katarina mostly writes. She is the author of two poetry collections, we need a breathing tongue between (kith books, 2024), and leerlauf (2025), as well as several performance and visual pieces, all rooted in language.
Katarina has received numerous grants and awards, including the 2023 Work Stipend for Non-German Literature and the 2024 Research Scholarship for Translators awarded by the Berlin Senate. She has exhibited and performed extensively in both Bosnia and Germany.
She lives in Berlin.
Being a poet, Katarina mostly writes. She is the author of two poetry collections, we need a breathing tongue between (kith books, 2024), and leerlauf (2025), as well as several performance and visual pieces, all rooted in language.
Katarina has received numerous grants and awards, including the 2023 Work Stipend for Non-German Literature and the 2024 Research Scholarship for Translators awarded by the Berlin Senate. She has exhibited and performed extensively in both Bosnia and Germany.
She lives in Berlin.
Gotic, Katarina. we need a breathing tongue between. kith books, 2024.
Selected journal publications
––. “leerlauf: six poems / six visual collages” Paperbag, vol.1, no.15, 2024.
––. “leerlauf: BINGO” ETC. Magazine, vol.1, no.3, 2024.
––. “2+1=sun”, stadstsprachen, vol.2, no.25, 2023.
––. “Zvono23, Poetry in an expanded field: Otkazna Pisma III”, e-flux Announcements, 2023.
––. “ŽELJA”, stadstsprachen, vol.2, no.25, 2023.
––. “leerlauf”, Harbor Review, vol.2, no.11, 2023.
––. “leerlauf: [dry sunflowers like showerheads, pointed at toes]” LCB Digital Essay: Literatur in den Sprachen Berlins, 2023, vol.1, no.3, 2023.
––. “leerlauf: [it takes 37 cameras to capture the soul]” LCB Digital Essay: Literatur in den Sprachen Berlins 2023, vol.1, no.3, 2023.
––. “leerlauf: [clasp a cuff / below the sleeve / and greet it in another view]” LCB Digital Essay: Literatur in den Sprachen Berlins, 2023, vol.1, no.3, 2023.
––. "codified absence", Stoff aus Luft, vol.2, no.7, 2023.
––. “LJUBAVI, KOMUNISTO”, Nux Vomica, vol.2, no.X, 2023, pp. 14-16
––. "leerlauf #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6”, ARTWIFE, 2023.
––. “leerlauf #7”, Gulf Stream Magazine, vol.1, no.32,
––. “ALKA”, SAND, vol.1, no.25, 2023, pp-63-65.
Selected translations
Kaplan, Almin. “House people” Translated by Katarina Gotic. Lyrikline, 2024.
Kaplan, Almin. “It is morning and sun carries naked treetops like antlers” Translated by Katarina Gotic. Lyrikline, 2024.
Mladenović, Dragana. “RELATIVES” Translated by Katarina Gotic. Lyrikline, 2024.
Gotic, Katarina. “1+2=SJA” Translated by Katarina Gotic. stadstsprachen, vol.3, no.26, 2023.
––. “A WISH” Translated by von Katarina Gotic. stadstsprachen, vol.2, no.25, 2023.
––. “leerlauf”, 25. Poesiefestival Berlin, backsteinboot, Berlin. 07.07.2024
––. “leerlauf”, Sarajevo Photography Festival, BKC, Sarajevo (B&H), 30.05. - 02.06.2024
––. “Otkazna Pisma III” Poetry in an Expanded Field, Gallery Manifesto, Sarajevo (B&H), 01.12. - 24.12.2023
––. “Otkazna Pisma II” Poetry in an Expanded Field, KRAK Center for Contemporary Culture, Bihać (B&H), 29.9. - 10.11.2023
––. “VENAC” Novi Talasi, Bosanski Kulturni Centar, Sarajevo (B&H), 18-25.09.2023
––. “Otkazna Pisma I” BL Art Festival, DKC Incel, Banja Luka (B&H), 19.08.2022
Selected performances
a thin band of glue: leerlauf. 25. Poesiefestival Berlin: Poets’ Corner auf der Insel Eiswerder. 07.07.2024, backsteinboot, Berlin.
that used this here: workshop. 25. Poesiefestival Berlin: Poets’ Corner in Neukölln. 06.07.2024, UPCYCLING, Berlin.
codified absence. Radio Elsewheres [re.02]. 09.06.2024, Kuma International / Gallery Manifesto, Sarajevo, B&H.
we need a breathing tongue between. Book launch. 14.05.2024, Ivallan’s Books, Berlin.
we need a breathing tongue between. 14.02.2024, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee.
leerlauf. Vocations – Reimagining the Lied, Salon. 16.11.2023, Akademie der Künste, Berlin.
leerlauf. Literatur in den Sprachen Berlins 2023. 25.08.2023, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin.
codified absence. 23 Poesiefestival Berlin. 17.06.2022. Akademie der Künste, Berlin.
2024, “Recherchestipendium für Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer.” Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. Berlin (DE)2024, “Conceptual Photography Award.” Sarajevo Photography Festival. Sarajevo (B&H)
2023, “Arbeitsstipendium für nicht-deutsche Literatur.” Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. Berlin (DE)
2023, “PAF Award, finalist” Pop Art Festival Sarajevo. Sarajevo (B&H)
2023, “ZVONO Award, finalist” KRAK (Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Residency Unlimited (New York, USA), Trust for Mutual Understanding (New York, USA)
2016 - 2019, Max-Planck Society Fellowship, Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen (DE)